Cordillera Administrative Region- The Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office Cordillera Administrative Region (DSWD FO CAR) in close coordination with the different local government units in the region continue to work on the relief operation efforts in response to the effects of the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) due to COVID-19.

As of 13 April 2020, the DSWD FO CAR has recorded 355,332 affected families or 1,441,103 individuals. Around PhP 377,093,366.50 worth of assistance has been provided to the families, of which PhP 107,309,533.41 worth of assistance was provided by the local government units. Donors have also provided assistance amounting to PhP 5,505,123.96.  The DSWD was able to provide PhP 265,683, 433.13 worth of assistance through the release of family food packs, Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation and Financial Assistance under the Social Amelioration Program (SAP).

“We are in the 4th week of the Enhanced Community Quarantine and we remain steadfast in our commitment to provide assistance to our communities by augmenting their resources”, DSWD OIC- Regional Director Leo L. Quintilla shared.

Director Quintilla also said that the DSWD FO CAR has been augmenting to the local government units since the beginning of the ECQ by providing family food packs as requested. The DSWD is able to release family food packs upon the receipt of official request for augmentation and other pertinent documents from the LGUs in need of additional family food packs.

“Since 17 March 2020, we have already started the repacking of family food packs and we have produced 29,446 packs since then. As of 13 April, we were able to augment and distribute 13, 534 family food packs to various provinces. With the help of our partners, volunteers from various government agencies and private individuals, we are continuously preparing our family food packs”, Director Quintilla added.

Meanwhile, the DSWD FO CAR will be implementing more stringent measures in monitoring the release of family food packs to the local government units. This is to prevent incidents involving mishandled family food packs from the DSWD.

“We would like to appeal to our partner local government units to be more vigilant in distributing goods for the affected families. As much as we want to provide assistance to all who are in need, we would not want to sacrifice the quality of our services. We would not want to compromise the health and dignity of our clients by providing low-quality goods”, Director Quintilla said.

“We would also like to reiterate that the family food packs from the DSWD should not be repacked by any entity other than the Department. The goods that are usually in DSWD-labelled boxes and plastic bags should remain intact containing six (6) kilos of rice, two (2) cans of sardines, four (4) cans each of tuna and corned beef, five (5) sachets each of 3-in-1 coffee and powdered  chocolate or milk cereal drink” Director Quintilla added.

Individuals who observe or experience irregularities concerning family food packs from the DSWD can report to the nearest Social Welfare and Development Officer in their province or to the Field Office at #40 North Drive, Baguio City or through (074) 661 0430 loc. 25023/ 25034/25019 or +63917 871 9893 or +63919 065 5365. Queries may also be sent through

Meanwhile, request for relief goods or family food packs by individuals and families should be coursed through the barangay officials or local government units in the respective areas.  #DSWD-CAR, Social Marketing Unit, Nerizza Faye G. Villanueva