Cordillera Administrative Region– The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) here through its Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) will be providing livelihood assistance to the communities in Itogon, Benguet that have been displaced due to typhoon Ompong.
The SLP launched the assessment on 22 September 2018 that aimed to gather initial information on the possible livelihood assistance that will be provided to the communities.
“Other than the relief assistance, we will be providing livelihood assistance to the affected families in the municipality considering that the community relies generally on mining as their source of income. These victims need help in getting back to their feet again. As part of the recovery process, they will be provided livelihood. All affected families in the municipality are target participants”, OIC- Regional Director Janet P. Armas said.
As of 23 September 2018, the DSWD has assessed 303 individuals from the affected barangays. This number is expected to increase as more barangays undergo the assessment.
From the initial assessment, the target beneficiaries are looking into poultry and livestock raising, farming, food processing and production, food cart business, and key chain production as their target industry.
“We acknowledge that the communities have been into mining for years. With the new livelihood that we are to provide, we hope to give them a fresh new start”, Armas added.
The SLP is a capability-building program for poor, vulnerable and marginalized households and communities to improve their socio-economic conditions through micro-enterprise development focusing on starting, expanding or rehabilitating micro-enterprises and skills training.
Through the SLP, the families may receive a maximum amount of PhP 20,000.00 as seed capital fund which can be used for the establishment of their small micro-enterprise business. However, individuals who want to undergo skills training will receive PhP 15,000.00.
“The DSWD-CAR will do its best to fast track the provision of the seed capital fund. However, for the skills training, the participants need to undergo the regular process of the livelihood assistance. Nevertheless, we will continue working with the local government to help them improve their economic status without sacrificing their safety”, Director Armas said. #DSWD-CAR, Social Marketing Unit, Nerizza Faye G. Villanueva and Babble Mae Gorio