Cordillera Administrative Region– The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) here continues its disaster operations as it monitors the effect of the monsoon rains over the region.

“We are already on our first week of disaster operations due to the continuous rains all over Cordillera, and we remain ready to provide intervention, if necessary”, DSWD-CAR OIC- Regional Director Janet P. Armas said.

As of 26 July 2018, the DSWD has accounted 137 families or 599 individuals that have been affected by the rains. Of which, 97 families or 423 individuals were recorded as displaced and stayed with their relatives. All families who stayed with their relatives have already returned to their homes.

Meanwhile, there has been 38 families of 166 individuals who were reported displaced and opted to stay inside the evacuation centers. As of writing time, there are still two (2) families composed of twelve (12) individuals are staying in the Baguio City Evacuation Center.

The affected families have been provided with family food packs, dignity kits, hygiene kits, and blankets worth PhP 278,355.940 of which, PhP 217,344.10 came from DSWD-CAR.

On the other hand, DSWD-CAR has allocated around 13,700 family food packs worth PhP 5,476,575.00, 770 sleeping kits worth PhP 583,467.50 and hygiene kits worth PhP 1,376,567.50 to various provinces in CAR. Around 16,838 family food packs are also available in the DSWD-CAR warehouse.

“Though we have improved weather conditions, we would like to appeal to our communities to remain vigilant. Always listen to authorities and be prepared. Take necessary caution especially during these times of disaster. Do not hesitate to ask assistance from your local government units and the DSWD”, Director Armas added.

For queries and concern, DSWD-CAR can be reached through its Social Welfare and Development (SWAD) Team Offices  in your respective provinces or at #40 North Drive, Baguio City with contact number (074) 446-59-61 or 444-32-62 or 0906 094 1064 or 0949 141 7232. #DSWD-CAR, SOCIAL MARKETING UNIT, Nerizza Faye G. Villanueva