The data from the DROMIC Information System (DROMIC IS) includes details on disaster incidents, affected populations, displaced population, damages houses, and cost of humanitarian assistance.

Total food and non-food items provided by Department of Social Welfare and Development to the communities of the Cordillera Administrative Region

Food and Non- food items are valuable commodities for Internally Displaced Persons’ survival, health, well-being especially during displacement where the IDPs have limited or no access to outside resources.
The DSWD Field Office CAR provides immediate relief to disaster affected victims through the provision of Food and Non- food Items.

In the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), vulnerable communities are provided with projects and activities relative to the adaptation and mitigation impacts of climate change and reduction of disaster risk through Cash for Work (CFW) modality implemented by the DSWD Field Office CAR.
The Risk Resiliency Program Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Disaster Risk Reduction (RRP CCAM DRR) is one of DSWD programs that aims to increase the adaptive capacities of vulnerable communities.