Empowering the partner-beneficiaries in 14 barangays of Balbalan, Kalinga to proactively engage in the Disaster Risk Resiliency Program, Cash-for-Training (CFT) for Project LAWA at BINHI was conducted on May 30, 2024.

This initiative marks a significant step towards equipping these communities with the skills and knowledge necessary to enhance their resilience against various risks and adversities.

The Provincial Technical Working Group composed of representatives from DSWD SWAD Kalinga, the Office of the Provincial Governor, the Office of the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, the Office of the Provincial Engineering, and the Office of the Provincial Agriculture facilitate the training, participated in by the Barangay Officials, and 610 individuals who are identified poor, climate-disaster vulnerable families, and poor farmers.

The CFT was conducted per barangay  from May 14 to May 30, 2024 to ensure full participation and to minimize the expenses incurred by the beneficiaries. This approach employed by the TWG has gathered the participation of most marginalized and vulnerable members of the community in the training.

The learning development sessions were conducted through a well-coordinated and community-focused approach. The ongoing support and follow-up ensured that the benefits of the program would be sustained and continue to grow, contributing to the long-term resilience and prosperity of the communities in Balbalan, Kalinga.

The TWG  added the discussion of values during the CFT. Instilling these local values among the beneficiaries of Project LAWA at BINHI aimed at fostering a sense of responsibility, community, and sustainability. By promoting responsibility, cooperation, environmental stewardship, empowerment, integrity, and civic engagement, the program aims to create resilient communities capable of managing their resources effectively and improving their livelihoods.

Accordingly, these values not only enhance the immediate impact of the program but also ensure the long-term success and sustainability, contributing to the overall development and well-being of Balbalan as a whole.

The Barangay Officials, community leaders, and participants have expressed their gratitude for the knowledge and resources gained through the program. They had committed to implement the projects well and take ownership of the projects. One partner-beneficiary said they are now equipped with a stronger sense of preparedness and self-reliance to face the challenges posed by natural disasters and environmental changes.

Stage 2 of the project implementation will start upon the availability of the construction materials being procured by the PLGU as their counterpart.# DSWD FIELD OFFICE CAR, SOCIAL MARKETING UNIT, IO II MYLYN M. BONGSIAN and PDO II IVY A. MARIANO FROM SWAD KALINGA


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