In the heart of Besao, Mountain Province, amidst the modern world, resides a living testament to resilience and wisdom. Centenarian Malicay Sagulo Odlas, born in 23 January 1923, gave profound insights into food, lifestyle and traditional healing practices. At 101 years old, Lola Malicay exudes vitality, with her sharp senses attuned to the rhythms of nature as she tends to her family and farm animals. 

Legacy of Simple Living

Reflecting on her journey, she emphasized the significance of a preservative-free-diet, a stark contrast to the processed foods prevalent in today’s society. 

 “In her youth, sweet potatoes were a staple, untouched by artificial additives, but now, she observes a shift towards processed and colored bread, a departure from the simplicity of her upbringing” Lola Malicay shared.

Moreover, she highlighted the importance of raising native animals without synthetic additives. In the past, pigs and chickens were reared naturally, without the addition of vitamins or other artificial supplements to their feed. However, in modern times, chickens can be butchered as early as 10 to 20 days due to the inclusion of additives in their feeds.

She also drew attention to the impact of climate change on health, noting the rarity of strokes and sudden deaths in her youth. She attributes modern health challenges to environmental shifts and lifestyle changes. That’s why she always reminded her grandchildren to be aware on the food they take and minimize the used of gadgets since they are the one who can really help their selves. Her role is only to guide and remind them. 

Traditional Healing Ritual

But then, despite her robust health, lola Malicay also faces health issues including cold spells and joint stiffness as she approaches her centenarian milestone. Despite seeking medical help, she finds no resolution and chooses to leave the hospital.

However, last March 22, 2023, she received her centenarian cash gift prompting her family to perform a traditional ceremony called “Singa”. “Singa” is a traditional healing rituals where they butcher pigs and utter prayer at their house. In their case, they slaughtered 3 pigs as sacrifice in hopes to alleviate her pain. Remarkably, she experienced improvement, crediting the ritual for her enhanced well-being. 

Though embracing the realities of old age, lola Malicay finds solace in accepting her ailments that cherishes the longevity bestowed upon her and expresses gratitude for the support of her family and community. 

As Malicay Odlas continues her journey through the tapestry of time, her story serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration. Through simplicity, resilience, and traditional wisdom, she embodies the enduring spirit of the centenarians, leaving behind a legacy that transcends generations. 

In addition, believing in the inheritance of longevity, she recalls her parents and grandparents’ natural lives free from disease. Their example also serves as a guiding light in her own journey towards a century of existence.

Lola Malicay Odlas is one of the centenarian awardee last 2023 who received cash gift worth PhP 100,000.00 as mandated by Republic Act No. 10868 or an Act Honoring and Granting Additional Benefits to Filipino Centenarians and for other purposes or Centenarians Act of 2016.DSWD FIELD OFFICE CAR, SOCIAL MARKETING UNIT, HAZEL ANN BUY-O.

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