In the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), vulnerable communities are provided with projects and activities relative to the adaptation and mitigation impacts of climate change and reduction of disaster risk through Cash for Work (CFW) modality implemented by the DSWD Field Office CAR.

The Risk Resiliency Program Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Disaster Risk Reduction (RRP CCAM DRR) is one of DSWD programs that aims to increase the adaptive capacities of vulnerable communities.

This was implemented in all the six provinces of the region which commenced with the face to face provincial orientation and planning funded by the Provincial LGU and the provincial orientation also conducted with the Enhanced Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty.

This year the Field Office CAR accomplished 100 percent payment for the 17,961 beneficiaries in the region with a total cost of assistance amounting to PHP 61,118,500.00.

Breakdown shows, in the province of Abra, 139,500 trees were planted and 209,500 seedlings were produced, in Apayao province, 371,088 seedlings were propagated including 150,000 seedlings planted.

For Benguet province, 16,500 trees were planted, four materials recovery facilities established, nine nurseries and 1,731, 000 square meter of fire line established, 56,900 trees taken cared with tree guarding, five signages installed and 2 kilometers of communal irrigation system established.

For Ifugao, an 11,000 square meter area communal garden was established, 60 Materials Recovery Facility were installed, 15,600 seedlings planted, 11,500 meters of communal irrigation system rehabilitated and 8,000 bricks produced.

For Kalinga province, 21, 500 seedlings were planted, 9,600 square meters of communal garden established, 1,167 handicrafts produced and 54,000 endemic seedlings produced; And for Mt. Province, 229,500 seedlings were propagated.

Mr. James Saliw-a, Worker and Beneficiary for the Rehabilitation of Irrigation System in Kayapa, Bakun, Benguet said the Irrigation System established will help a lot of people in their community.

“We are grateful of the Risk Resiliency Program of DSWD. We are thankful that the Irrigation System established will be able to reach our farms. We are also grateful of the cash assistance provided (through Cash for Work) which will help us in our day to day needs amidst the COVID-19 pandemic,” he added.


For its exemplary performance for the year 2022, the Field Office also bagged a certificate of recognition for its commendable efforts and contribution to the successful implementation of the program.

The certificate was awarded by Disaster Response Management Group Assistant Secretary Diana Rose S. Cajipe received by DSWD Field Office CAR DRMD OIC-Division Chief Marifil C. Jugal and RRP-CCAM-DRR Section Head Marveluz C. Daniels during the conduct of RRP Implementation Review and National Climate Change Consciousness Week Celebration 2022 with the theme: ‘Sama-samang Tumutugon sa Hamon ng Nagbabagong Klima’ held at Davao City, Davao del Sur on November 22.

DSWD Field Office CAR Regional Director Leo L. Quintilla expressed his gratitude and congratulated the DSWD Field Office CAR personnel and partners who contributed in the implementation of the Risk Resiliency Program through Cash for Work this year.

“The success in the implementation of the program in the region could not be possible without the competitive and strong drive of our CCAM team, and active participation and support of beneficiaries and provincial local government units. This recognition is indeed a testament of our strong collaboration to the various stakeholders in the region,” he added. # DSWD FIELD OFFICE CAR, SOCIAL MARKETING UNIT, LAUREN ALIMONDO