Cordillera Administrative Region- The Department of Social Welfare and Development
through its National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR) or
Listahanan has completed its receiving and resolving of grievances and continues its
reassessment activities as part of the third phase of the project cycle or the Validation and
Finalization Phase. This phase aims to address the issues of under-coverage, inclusion of
non-poor households, updates of information, and transfer of residence for a more accurate
data gathering.

After the initial list of the poor was posted at the barangays, the public was given the chance
to review the list and was encouraged to raise their concerns or grievances to their
designated area supervisors at the community desks. The public was also provided an
option to file their grievances online.

The National Housing and Targeting Section (NHTS) has received a total of 109,244
household grievances from the different provinces of the Cordillera.

Grievances received for the Listahanan project were classified into seven (7) categories:
(1) Exclusion Grievance Type 1 or EX01 was the grievance filed by clients who were
interviewed during the data collection phase but were not included in the posted initial list of
the poor;
(2) Exclusion Grievance Type 2 or EX02 was used by clients who were not interviewed
during the data collection phase;
(3) Inclusion Grievance Type 1 or INC01 was for those clients who were wrongly classified
and were included in the initial list of the poor;
(4) Inclusion Grievance Type 2 or INC02 was used by households who have been wrongly
classified and would want to be removed from the list of the poor;
(5) Error Grievance Type 1 or ER01 was filed when households in the initial list of the poor
have incorrect information in the database such as name, sex and street address;
(6) Error Grievance Type 3 or ER03 was filed when they have incorrect information on their
barangay address, date of birth, marital status and/or if they have changes in the roster of
members in the household;
(7) Transfer of Residence Grievance Type 1 or TR01 was used by households who
transferred residence including those who were previously interviewed in evacuation centers
and temporary shelters but have moved to their permanent residence.

Grievances classified under EX01 and INC01 underwent further validation by the barangay
verification team (BVT) and the local verification committee (LVC) which was composed of
the City or Municipal Mayor, Social Welfare and Development Officer, Planning and
Development Officer and a representative from a Civil Society Organization (CSO). The BVT
evaluated the grievances for merit using a Grievance Evaluation Form. The forms were then
endorsed to the LVC for the finalization of the list of households for assessment and
reassessment that was sent to the NHTS.


The Listahanan field staff carried out the reassessment (EX01, INC 01 and TR01
grievances) and the assessment (EX02 grievances) of the 74,059 total recorded number of
households. Area supervisors utilized the household assessment form (HAF) which contains
information on the roster of household, observable household and socio-economic
characteristics such as housing materials, assets, and access to basic services like water
and electricity, among others.

Information taken will be encoded and verified in the system to be treated using the Proxy
Means Test. This is a statistical tool used to accurately capture household income based on
various household income indicators found in the HAF. This process precedes the final
stage of the project cycle or the reports generation and data sharing phase.

This phase is characterized by the generation of the final list of the poor and the facilitation
of the data sharing process that aims to recognize Listahanan as a reliable database of poor
households. The Data sharing process shall include the preparation and signing of a data
sharing agreement between the agency and the requesting party.

The assessment and the reassessment of households are expected to be accomplished by
the end of May 2021. The final list of poor households is targeted to be released by the last
quarter of the year.

Listahanan 3 is intended to be utilized by social protection stakeholders to achieve more
efficient and evidence-based social protection programs which prioritize the identified poor
households. #DSWD-CAR, SOCIAL MARKETING UNIT, Lorillie R. Gonzales