Cordillera Administrative Region- The Department of Social Welfare and Development through its National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR) or Listahanan is preparing for the reassessment of households to address the issues of under-coverage, inclusion of non-poor households, and transfer of residence for a more accurate data gathering as part of the third phase of the project cycle also known as the Validation and Finalization Phase.

This phase provides the public the opportunity to review the initial list of poor households generated from the data collection and analysis phase.  Every municipality was encouraged to raise their grievances or concerns to Listahanan Area Supervisors within two weeks. The period for acceptance and accommodation of grievances ended in the first week of March. 

Grievances around the region were handed over to the barangay verification team (BVT) and a local verification committee (LVC) for further evaluation to determine the households that would be eligible for reassessment by the designated enumerators using a grievance evaluation form. 

Once the enumerators are done reassessing the households, the data taken will be treated using the Proxy Means Test (PMT) to generate the finalized list of poor households. 

The Proxy Means Test is a statistical tool used by the project to accurately and precisely capture the household income based on observable characteristics such as housing materials, assets, access to basic services, and facilities like electricity and water, among others. 

Reassessment of households is expected to be accomplished by the end of April 2021 while the third phase  is set to be completed by June 2021.

The validation and finalization phase is conducted to ensure the integrity of the data gathered and treated before sharing the database with other government agencies, local government units, and other social protection stakeholders at the last stage or the Reports Generation and Data Sharing Phase. Data sharing process shall include the preparation and signing of a memorandum of agreement and a nondisclosure agreement between the agency and the requesting party.

The first stage of the project cycle or the preparation phase included the enhancement of the PMT model, identification of areas for assessment, and hiring and training of field staff. This was followed by the second stage or the data collection phase which included household assessments and the generation of the initial list of the poor. 

Listahanan 3 database is expected to be launched by the last quarter of 2021. 

Listahanan is an information management system that assures the generation and establishment of an accurate socio-economic database of poor households. It is designed to be used for evidence-based program planning and prioritization of identified poor households resulting in more responsive social protection programs and services.  #DSWD-CAR, SOCIAL MARKETING UNIT, Lorillie R.  Gonzales